Some of the listed items are featured in the relevant portfolio themes

Academic Teachings (English and French)

Since 2018

Sciences Po, Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action
Paris, France 
Adjunct Faculty – teaching a spring semester course on State responsibility and individual criminal responsibility; preparing and grading students’ assessments

2012 and 2017

Université de Grenoble, Centre d’Études sur la Sécurité international et les Coopérations Européennes, 
Faculté de Droit, Master II Droit International 
Grenoble, France 

Taught a winter semester course on the ICC; prepared and graded students’ assessments

February 2008

The Hague Academy of International Law
The Hague, The Netherlands 
Taught a winter course on cultural property and war crimes

July 2006

Centro de Direito International (CEDIN), Federal University of Minas Gerais, International Law Winter Course II
Belo Horizonte, Brazil 
Taught a winter semester course on international criminal law

March 2002

Université Robert Schuman, Master II Droit international
Strasbourg, France 
Taught a course on international criminal law

Academic Presentations and Speeches (English and French)

April 2017United Nations University
New York, USA 
The United Nations and the Development of International and Hybrid Criminal Courts

October 2013University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine; University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California; Santa Barbara, California, USA 
Cyrus the Great’s 538 B.C. Proclamation: a Precursor to Human Rights Declarations

May 2013University of Amsterdam, European Society of International Law, 5th Research Forum – International Law as a Profession
Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

The Relationship between Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes

2011-2013Oxford University Transitional Justice Research, Swisspeace, Economic and Social Research Council, and King’s College
London, England 
March 2013: Fifteen Years of Practice in International Criminal Justice 
October 2011: A Quest for Justice

2003-2009Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Centre de Droit international (CEDIN), Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), & Centre de recherches et d’études sur les droits de l’Homme et le droit humanitaire (CREDHO)
Paris, France 

July 2009: Le rôle des tiers aux conflits armés et la protection des populations civiles 
May 2009: La Cour pénale internationale et les juridictions nationales 
September 2006: Juridictions militaires et d’exception: perspectives comparées et internationales 
November 2013: La Cour pénale internationale et l’héritage des Tribunaux pénaux internationaux 
October 2003: Aspects juridique de la crise en Irak en 2003

March 2007Scuola Superiore Sant’ Anna di Studi Universitari e de Perfezionamento, PhD and Political Science Masters
Pisa, Italy 

The ICC and International Cooperation

October 2006York University, School of Public Policy and Administration
Toronto, Canada 
Human Rights: Does any One Culture Own the Concept?

April 2006T.M.C. Asser Institute, Leiden University, and the Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC)
The Hague, The Netherlands 
On the Destruction of Culture in Times of Trouble: or on the Oscillations of International Criminal Law

Diplomatic and Civil Society Presentations and Speeches (English and French)

December 2014The Assembly of States Party, United Nations
New York, USA 
The Enforcement of Sentences

October 2013
World Affairs Council, co-sponsored by the Getty Museum and the British Museum
Orange County, California, USA 
Light from the Ancient Past; Does the Cyrus Cylinder Still Speak to Us Today?

October 2012Foreign and Commonwealth Office
London, England 
Towards a more effective and efficient International Criminal Court: improvements to legal procedures

July 2012French Embassy to The Kingdom of The Netherlands
The Hague, The Netherlands
Dix ans de procédures judiciaires devant la Cour

May 2012Legatum Institute
London, England 
The Relationship between Supranational Criminal Courts and Tribunals and Transitional Justice

July 2011Premières universités d’été de la Ligue internationale contre le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme
Le Havre, France 
Clarifications portant sur les caractéristiques de la justice pénale internationale et du droit international des droits de l’Homme

May 2011Regional Diplomatic Conference on the ICC in Western Asia, sponsored by the League of Arab States and the State of Qatar in cooperation with the ICC
Doha, Qatar 

The Path to the ICC  

March 2007International Criminal Bar and Kuwait Bar Association
Kuwait City, Kuwait 
The International Criminal Court: Features and Developments

April 2006The CICC and International Centre on Conflict and Negotiation
Baku, Azerbaijan 
The International Criminal Court, South Caucasus Perspectives

Practitioners, Diplomats and Students' Trainings (English, French, and Persian)

Since 2006Leiden University, The Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies
The Hague, The Netherlands
Training the Marie Curie Annual Top Summer School students on international criminal law and international human rights law

November 2022University of Geneva
Geneva, Switzerland
Training the Certificate of Advanced Studies practitioners on international criminal law and cultural heritage law

July 2022

University of Geneva, Art-Law Centre and the UNESCO Chair in the International Protection of Cultural Heritage
The Hague, The Netherlands
Training the Summer School on International Cultural Heritage Law on international criminal law and cultural heritage law

September 2019Leiden University, The Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies
The Hague, The Netherlands
Training the Cultural Objects, Human Rights and International Law Summer School professionals on “Early Initiatives and International Humanitarian Law (Hague and Geneva Conventions)”

2016-2017International Association of Conference Interpreters, 10th Hague Legal Symposium
The Hague, The Netherlands
Training conference interpreters on international criminal law and international human rights law

2001-2012United Nations Institute for Training and Research
The Hague, The Netherlands
Training, at the ICTY and ICC, diplomats, academics on international criminal law and international human rights law

2009-2012Utrecht University, Utrecht School of Law Clinical Programme on Conflict, Human Rights and International Justice
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Training Students on legal drafting

April 2007University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre, School of Law
Nottingham, UK
Training West Asian and North African diplomats/civil servants on international criminal law and international human rights law

2005-2007The Hague Forum for Judicial Expertise
The Hague, The Netherlands
Training judges from Afghanistan, China, Iran and the Philippines on international criminal law and international human rights law