Enforcement of Sentences

Original sketch by Hirad Abtahi

Books and Book Chapters

(Links in titles open in a new window)

1. Agreements on the Enforcement of Sentences of imprisonment: International Criminal Court (ICC) 

Book chapter in The Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law, Hélène Ruiz Fabri (ed.) Oxford University Press, 2020

2. L’exécution de la peine 

Book chapter in Droit international pénal, H. Ascensio, E. Decaux, A. Pellet (eds.), Pédone, Paris, 2012

3. The Emerging Enforcement Practice of the International Criminal Cour 

Articled co-authored with Steven Koh, Cornell Journal of International Law, Winter 2012


1. The Enforcement of Sentences

Presentation at the Assembly of States Party, United Nations, New York, USA, December 2014