The ICC and me

Original sketch by Hirad Abtahi

Books and Book Chapters

(Links in titles open in a new window)

1. Commentary to articles 38, 39, 40 and 41 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court 

Book chapter co-authored with Rebecca Young, in Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Otto Triffterer, 3rd edition, 2015, 4th edition, 2021

2. The ICC at Twenty: Enhancing Efficiency at the International Criminal Court 

Guest edited with Rebecca Young, International Criminal Law Review, XVIII/2, March 2018

3. Les articles 38 (la Présidence) et 39 (les Chambres) du Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale 

Book chapter in Commentaire du Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, Pédone, Paris, 2012

4. The Judges of the International Criminal Court and the Organisation of their Work 

Book chapter in The Legal Regime of the International Criminal Court, Essays in Honour of Professor Igor Pavlovich Blischchenko, M. Cherif Bassiouni, Jose Doria, & Hans-Peter Gasser (eds.), XII, International Humanitarian Law Series, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009


1. Expediting the Criminal Process: Striking the Right Balance between the ICC and States Parties

Article co-authored with Shehzad Charania, in International Criminal Law Review, XVIII/2, March 2018

2. The Judicial Review Powers of the Presidency of the International Criminal Court: Safeguards for the Protection of Human Rights 

Article co-authored with Odo Ogwuma and Rebecca Young, The Law & Practice of International Courts & Tribunals, Vol. 12, Issue 3, 2013

3. Disqualification, Excusal and the Composition of Judicial Benches before the International Criminal Court 

Article co-authored with Odo Ogwuma and Rebecca Young, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol. 11, Issue 2, May 2013

4. The International Criminal Court and the International Justice System: Latest Developments at the Court and Challenges Ahead 

Article featured in Diplomatiya Alami, XIV (the publication of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, 2006

5. The Islamic Republic of Iran and the International Criminal Court

Article featured in the Journal of International Criminal Justice, III/3, July 2005

Interviews and Media Campaigns

1. The Twentieth Anniversary of the Entry into Force of the Statute of the ICC

International Criminal Court, 1 July 2022


2. ICC Statute Article 38

Lecture (in Persian), Centre for International Law and Research Policy, 29 November 2018


3. La CPI en bref, Introduction à la CPI 

Interview featured in l’Action internationale du Barreau de Paris, Ordre des Avocats de Paris, Barreau autour du Monde, spécial, (the publication of the Paris Bar),  October 2006

4. Insight on the ICC 

Interview featured in Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) Newsletter, Issue I, April 2004

Academic Teachings and Presentations

1. Université de Grenoble, Centre d’Études sur la Sécurité international et les Coopérations Européennes, Faculté de Droit, Master II Droit International Grenoble, France, 2012 and 2017

Taught a winter semester course on the ICC; prepared and graded students’ assessments

2. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), & Centre de recherches et d’études sur les droits de l’Homme et le droit humanitaire (CREDHO), Paris, France, May 2009 

Academic Presentation: La Cour pénale internationale et les juridictions nationales

3. Scuola Superiore Sant’ Anna di Studi Universitari e de Perfezionamento, PhD and Political Science Masters Pisa, Italy, March 2007 

Academic Presentation: The ICC and International Cooperation

4. Université Robert Schuman, Master II Droit international, Strasbourg, France, March 2002 

Taught a course on international criminal law

Speeches and Diplomatic Presentations

October 2012

Foreign and Commonwealth Office 
London, England 

Diplomatic Presentation: Towards a more effective and efficient International Criminal Court: improvements to legal procedures 

July 2012

Embassy of France to The Kingdom of The Netherlands 
The Hague, The Netherlands
Speech : Dix ans de procédures judiciaires devant la Cour 

May 2011

Regional Diplomatic Conference on the ICC in Western Asia, sponsored by the League of Arab States and the State of Qatar in cooperation with the ICC Doha, Qatar 
Diplomatic Presentation: The Path to the ICC 


International Criminal Bar and Kuwait Bar Association 
Kuwait City, Kuwait 

Presentation: The International Criminal Court: Features and Developments 

April 2006

The CICC and International Centre on Conflict and Negotiation 
Baku, Azerbaijan 

Presentation: The International Criminal Court, South Caucasus Perspectives